Many patients suffer from tendon and joint disorders. An important aspect of treatment often includes restoring blood flow and allowing the body to more naturally heal itself. A key component of this is Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, or PRP.

PRP therapy is an injection of a concentrated amount of a patient’s own platelets, which contain growth factors and inflammatory mediators that stimulate angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) and healing of chronic conditions. This process is done in about 15-20 minutes, and involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, placing the sample in a centrifuge to separate the desired platelet concentration, and then performing a tendon or joint injection with the concentrated solution.

Conditions such as elbow tendonitis, rotator cuff disease, hand and wrist tendonitis, and osteoarthritis can be successfully treated with PRP injections. While many insurances provide coverage for PRP therapy, some do not. If it is not covered, the typical cash price amount for PRP therapy is $600.

At Denton Hand and Orthopedics, we are pleased to offer this service as part of our comprehensive care for tendon and joint disorders.

Please call 940-299-HAND to learn more and to schedule an appointment.