
Ulnar shortening osteotomy

Ulnar shortening osteotomy

The radius and ulna are the two long bones in our forearm that come together at the wrist to make a very unique, and sometimes finicky, wrist joint. We may develop problems if the ulna bone, the long bone of the forearm on the small finger side, is longer than the edge of the radius bone next to it.

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Hand and wrist fractures

Hand and wrist fractures

The hand and wrist are very unique and high-functioning parts of our body. Broken bones, or fractures, can cause a lot of disruption to our lives, even if only minimal treatment is required.

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Lower extremity trauma

Lower extremity trauma

Dr. Larson’s training at The Carolinas Medical Center, in Charlotte, NC - one of the country’s premier orthopedic residency training programs - has well prepared him for traumatic injuries to the lower extremity as well.

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Pediatric injuries

Pediatric injuries

Children are not simply young adults. The growing skeleton has many unique features, as does each child. Our active youth are involved in a wide variety of activities, and it seems like bumps, bruises, and even broken bones are an inevitable part of growing up.

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